Monthly Archives: July 2013

Finishing Things Week #5: My health.

As I explained the other day, I had an unexpected visit to the hospital, so I have spent much of my time trying not to overwork myself. On the nights I did manage to stay awake after the children slept, I took some pictures for some thrifted treasures I haven’t shared yet, from my recent […]

R.I.P. LPS Blythe: The day Hasbro stole my heart

The other day, when I was looking at my blog stats, I was super confused when I read a search hit came from the words “why did lps change blythe”. Why would someone search the web about blythe changing? ……Did she used to be different? Or is she about to change? ….?!?!?!? A quick google […]

Finishing Things: Week #4: Bunch O’ Random

I feel like I accomplished quite a bit this week! I think I do every week, we all accomplish a lot every week/day, if we believe it or not, it’s just a matter of taking the time to reflect upon it and mentally reward yourself for your hard work. Here is what I accomplished; 1. […]

Real dollhouse miniature flowers; 1″, 1/2″ and 1/4″ scale

I finally let my creativity flow. I’m not sure if this happens to all creative people, but sometimes I will have so many ideas flowing through my head that I can never actually get to producing anything,  I’m too busy thinking lol. I had a time sensitive idea recently that involved real flowers, not something […]

Finishing Things: Week #3: DIY Calico Critter Accessories

I pinned this amazing site a while ago that is filled with cute Japanese miniature printables. This site is especially useful if you collect Calico Critters or Sylvanian families as most of the items available for print look similar to those that are included in sets. The site is in Japanese, so use Google translate […]

6 Month review of my 2013 goals

The year was half over. Sorry….what??!! It’s true. When I wrote the other day about the swap I will be participating in, I had to dig deep into the archives to find my happy new year post with a list of the goals I made. 6 months deep. When I reread the list, I laughed […]

Finding Inspiration for Summer Miniatures

Just wanted to share some of the resources that I am using to get inspiration for summer miniatures to send for the swap. First, there is True2Scale, who sells adorable miniature paper house kits (look at the glitter and Halloween houses! SO CUTE!!). They collaborate a lists throughout the year that provide links to 50 […]

When you finally admit you are a toy collector

The time has come. There is no more hiding from the truth, (which I’m sure many of you already know)…. I love toys! I love collecting toys and playing with toys (and yes I am a full grown adult). Lately it’s been escalating….sometimes Gord rolls his eyes when I bring a new one home, however […]

Summer Swap 2013

I might be crazy, but I decided to participate in a swap! 🙂 It is being hosted by, le Minis de Cockerina, the full list of participants and rules, etc can be found on her blog here. I will be sending a gift to Michelle from Little Rabbit Miniatures, and receiving a gift from Leia […]

Follow me on Bloglovin’!

We have been hearing about it around the blogsphere for a few months now, sadly, Google Reader was put to rest on July 1st. This is very sad, especially for me, because Google Reader was the way I kept up with all of your blogs (or tried to at least!). There are a few alternatives […]