Finishing Things: Week #3: DIY Calico Critter Accessories

I pinned this amazing site a while ago that is filled with cute Japanese miniature printables. This site is especially useful if you collect Calico Critters or Sylvanian families as most of the items available for print look similar to those that are included in sets. The site is in Japanese, so use Google translate if you are unfamiliar with the language as I am. 😉

This Friday was a rainy one, so while Makaio napped Nia and I decided to do some of these little minis I’ve had on my to do list for ever. Great rainy day activity for mother and daughter –making dollhouse minis! 🙂

The website says they are 1/6 scale, so these would be appropriate for Barbie, momoko, blythe and other 1/6 or playscale dolls. I didn’t really consider the scale, especially since one picture showed a Calico Critter with rhe accessories. I just assumed they were right for them, even though Calico Critters are not 1/6 scale at all. Their furniture is closer to half inch scale, while the figures are close to 1 inch scale. Thankfully at the last minute I decided to downsize them because we only had a few sheets of cardstock left. This resulted in a better size for the critters. I cut and paste the jpg to a word document. I highly recommend downsizing the jpg. Here is what we managed to get together by the end of Makaios nap (he is a walking tornado at this point so these types of things aren’t easy to do around him!). All of these  we made together were selected by Nia and will end up with her calico critter collection;

Fenta anyone? :)

Fenta anyone? 🙂

I never noticed it said Fenta until I cropped this picture. I always assumed it said Fanta, lol

I never noticed it said Fenta until I cropped this picture. I always assumed it said Fanta, lol

Grapefruit Juice.

Grapefruit Juice.


It is sour and sweet!


Collar Crayon. (no that is not a typo – the box reads Collar Crayon)


The crayons are super cute and can even be removed from the box (even though just a box themselves) pretty cool miniature printable!


Crayons in a drawer with a sketchbook.


Mini doll magazine


Inside pages of magazine.


Inside of magazine.


Back of magazine.


Miniature Pocky!! These are a favorite treat around here!

And obviously I had to make some for myself and my calico critter collection! 😉 So late Sunday night I produced these;


Fruit chocolate, cookies, drink boxex, magazines, “band tape” and collar crayons!


Fruit Chocolate. the top box i used a gloss sealer instead of matte, but I don’t notice that much of a difference. I thought it might make it look more like packaging.


Golden Cookies, ABC Biscuts, Pocky, Milk, OJ, and Strawberry milk.


ABC Biscut, “I will eat while playing”. 🙂


Mini magazine, Band Tape, and Collar Crayon.


The band tape is one of my favouites! I cut out little bandaids from paper and sealed them with a coat of gloss sealer. I left the top of the box unglued so that it can be opened and closed to store these iddy biddy boo boo covers!!


Closer look at the bandaids, or band tape.

I still have all these cut, waiting and ready to be assembled;


Mini printies all cut and ready to go!

but I think I’m going to pack them away in my printables box for now. My critters have enough and I really want to get back to working/finishing the creatology dollhouse!!

Thanks for stopping in! I will be back soon! 🙂


  1. Trinket · · Reply

    These are adorable!! Did you get the printables from the Japanese site you mentioned? How do you cut them and what’s a gloss sealer and where do I find them and how do I use them?

    Sorry about all these questions. I recently started collecting CC furniture and I was thinking of making more accessories!

    Thanks in advance for any info.

    1. The printables are frok the Japanese site mentioned above. Make sure you use Google translate, to be able to read the instructions (unless you speak Japanese!).

      I printed the images onto white cardstock. I copy and pasted each image to a blank Microsoft Word document so they would all come out on one page. I cut them out using scissors and a lot of patience, lol!

      The spray sealer can be found at any craft store. I use Krylon matte whichi bought at Michaels. I believe there are a few different kinds. They come in an aerosol can likr spray paint! Great addition to your crafting stash, as it has multiple purposes! 🙂

      Hope that helps!

      1. Thanks!!

        Did you have to resize them or they’re the same scale as calico critters?

        I imagine it will take a lot of time to cut these!!

      2. I did scale them down! I think they would be more Barbie size (1:6 scale) if you were to leave them as is. When I had all the images I wanted in Microsoft word, I changed the size. You can do this by right clicking on the image and changing the height and width (in cm).
        It did take a while to cut! But doesn’t seem like much if you do it while watching T.V. and relaxing on the couch :))

  2. I was wondering how you sealed the packaging and also how you did the drinks cans because I couldn’t figure out how to make them :\

    1. Hi Kate!
      I used Krylon Matte Spray sealer to seal the images, this can be found at any local craft store. Just ask a sales associate for “spray sealer” and they should know what you are talking about. I used plain white glue to seal the packaging closed.

      The drink cans were made using the images from the website and wrapping them around a wooden dowel, which can also be found at local craft stores and some dollar stores as well.

      Hope that helps! 🙂

  3. Thank you so much for sharing! this will be perfect with my nendoroid toy figures, I’ll link you up and the link as well once I get to post something using the minis I’ll be making ❤

  4. […] the print out, we can use these cute print outs from rainyblues that I stumbled to, thanks to mamasminis!  (link here) For this tutorial, I printed out this and […]

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