Monthly Archives: October 2012

And then my phone broke….

Well….R.I.P Sony Ericsson Xperia Arc (my phone). Not typically a life threatening situation for me, although I do feel a little odd because we don’t have a house phone (but there are elderly people home all day above me whose phone I could use if, God forbid, there were an emergency.) It didn’t take long […]

What to pack..

In the mini world of course. I know what I want/need to pack to live for the three week stay at MILs, I am struggling to pack the crafts the most! Gord said I should bring my clay since it’s (pretty much the only thing that’s) organized into stackable boxes. He also says that this […]

Everything happens for a reason…

I am a true believer in the above statement. I am not religious, not atheist,…. just a believer of the universe? Mother Nature? Father Time?… God, the Universe, or whatever power of force it may be that is there helping us along the way, will never hand us more than we can handle. Some situations […]

1:12 scale Halloween scene: Part 3 — Complete (with glue!!)

I can’t believe I finished something. I am so committed to this scene, I glued it all. *gasp* . That’s right! Glued! I can even hold it upside down if I would like. 😀 I honestly feel the most satisfying feeling ever! If this is how one always feels when completing a project?… Then I […]

Life Updates and Halloween Scene Sneak Peek.

How is it that when you feel like you are legitimately at your maximum level of busy….things get busier?? The past few months, my partner Gord and I have been discussing buying our first home. Really scary thought! We’ve been lightly researching properties over time, when recently something came up that we think is the […]

Tweety Petie Products: Birthday GIVEAWAY – Includes Watermelon Set!

You have until Friday at midnight to enter this lovely giveaway! Miniature watermelons, cakes, cookies and other goodies made by a very talented and young artist! Hope you are having a great day! Rebecca


…..yea. So, if you’ve been with me for a while, you will know that I have been attempting a lot of different needle arts lately. Embroidery, cross stitching, knitting…. I last updated on my current rug project here. I was in the process of taking back stitches, because eager me counted the stitches wrong. I […]

1:12 scale Halloween Scene: Part 2 — It’s Coming Together!

It’s October the 11th! Halloween is closer than we think! I’ve been trying to keep my family and house together, while also staying sane…much of that sanity has been brought to me by making mini’s, the rest…via Tetley tea. As I mentioned before my current objective is to finish my Halloween scene. I’m surprised with […]

1:12 scale Halloween Scene: Part 1 — Gathering Inspiration

As I mentioned before, I have been working on trying to complete a Halloween scene. Key word: complete. I took on this project not only to be festive, but also to challenge myself to complete something before a deadline. In this case Halloween. I would ideally like to complete it before Halloween so I can […]

A rough week and dollar store day!

This week has been beyond my control (as life always is, especially when little people are involved!!). I am still not sure what was wrong with Makaio, if it was teething, or a virus, but he was the saddest little baby and even had a fever one night of 103! Then a rash broke out…all […]