Monthly Archives: December 2012

Merry Christmas!!!!

Merry Christmas everyone! I hope you had a warm and fuzzy day full of family and fun! I know ours was, although at times it was hard to tell over the screaming children (which is expected to happen on such a busy and over stimulating day!!!). I had a lot of fun this year since […]

Miniature Christmas Pillows

Me again, back pretending I have important things to say. 😉 This morning while I was reading my morning mini blogs, i was pleased to read that Casey at Casey’s Mini’s was generous enough to give us, the readers, some free miniature Christmas cross stitch patterns. You can find them here. I was feeling overly […]

Undersized Urbanite Update: Week 2

Well, I’m a day late,  but those who care (no one, lol), have to at least admire the fact that I can do anything while exiting chaos. After my last update, I busted my butt to have the house unpacked to host my family in our new place for a Christmas dinner (more on that […]

Undersized Urbanite Update: Week 1

I titled this post with a “week 1′ at the end because I am officially going to start doing weekly updates that actually mean something,…and are consistent, and you know, all that jazz. So, with that said, I present to you, my first Weekly Undersized Urbanite update!! *cricket* *cricket* Yup. Pretty much it! LOL. Remember […]

A Mini Christmas

What? Another project? Don’t judge. My justification…I can’t work on the undersized contest for a bit — more on that tomorrow — and the Orchid is still at my MILs… what’s a woman to do about keeping busy? Well make a mini Christmas scene of course. 🙂 Not that I don’t have a tonne of […]

Still here!

This is one of those posts where I pretend people are sad I haven’t been around and I explain myself. I have been working on getting my post about thrift store finds ready for you, but…. A) For some reason WordPress is acting up when I’ve been inserting my pictures into the post. This is […]

The day is here!!

Well the day has already come and gone, but you all know what I mean! The day has come where we have become homeowners. 😀 We are petty much finished moving at this point. There are still a few boxes and things that need to come here, (my precious dollhouse being one of those things!!), […]