Category Undersized Urbanite

Undersized Urbanite: Sneak Peek

I’m running out of time!! …it doesn’t help that yesterday and tonight both kiddos seem to have caught a cold (?!?!!) and are coughing themselves awake every 20 minutes. Figures! I know I can finish though, even if it means I have to stay up all night! Anyways, until tomorrows grand reveal, (which will be […]

Feeling defeated…

I am feeling mega defeated by this dollhouse. I wont give up, but wanted to make it known, so I can look back after and be proud for pushing through. I’ve been having a rough couple of weeks when it comes to staying focused. I tend to crumple before deadlines. Happens at school too. I […]

Undersized Urbanite: Work in Progress: Front Porch

I have two more posts it’s really not nice to lie, I have A LOT more posts coming, but this is one of the two last “Work in progress” installments. Then I owe a general undersized urbanite update, and have some thrifting goodies to share! After spending time on the inside, I turned back to […]

Undersized Urbanite: Work in progress: Quarter scale bedroom

AWWWW… I missed my one year Blog Birthday! :*( On April 18th, I will have been blogging and, building the Orchid dollhouse (HA!), for one year! That might not seem like long to some of you, but OHHH EM GEEE, I can’t believe I’ve actually stuck to something this long! Besides school, my whole life […]

Undersized Urbanite: Work in progress; Quarter scale kitchen

since I’m sooooooo behind on updating after my inability to upload my thousands of pictures, I have decided to group the stuff I wanted to share into “work in progress” posts. Which will just basically be photo-dumps of the work I’ve done lately. I can’t believe how fast time is going by! I’m getting worried […]

23 days….

23 days?!?…… I think that’s two weekends. I tend to put more hours in on weekends because it is more comforting knowing Gord will be home the next day and I won’t have to be a Zombie mom all alone. lol. Last night I was so ready to work…and Makaio, who is teething, didn’t let […]

Ok…Now I’m just wasting time…

last night…that energy I was hoping for finally arrrived. I went straight back to work on the kitchen, building a freestanding double oven. Everything was looking great! I cut out the windows in the door, added a small piece of transparency sheet and glued the door on. I cut some handles from staples; So what’s […]


So…I sat in front of my house last night. Didn’t even turn on my light. I just took a picture to prove I was there. 😉 I’ve been really tired the past few nights. I doubt it’s still to do with Friday night’s vodka mishap — but regardless, this tired? it’s been cramping my style….I […]

Why you shouldn’t drink alcohol and build a dollhouse.

As some of you might know, or at least guessed by now, I am a stay at home mom. Some people, crazy lunatic people, think moms who stay at home don’t do anything but sit around and watch t.v. all day. This couldn’t be further from the truth. Why am I mentioning this? Because I […]

Now things are moving!!!!

When we bought our condo, one od the appealing features for us was the “storage room” at the back. It could even be a very small bedroom without a window, for those who really needed,  our realtor suggested an office. I saw craft room. Until lately I haven’t spent much time in there because it […]